Monday, February 28, 2011

A Meetup!

Yesterday (2011-02-27) we had a sort of a Meet-up. Only myself, Singhalawap and අනංගයා was there. බිඟුවා was also supposed to be there but unfortunately the little bee got sick and the papa bee had to take him to hospital. I was also sick and so couldn't make it to the original venue. Only අනංගයා and Singhalawap managed to go there and they both payed me a visit and we had a nice chat about many topics from "Moon to center of Earth" (OK, You guessed right. I stole that quote ;-))

There were a lot of interesting things on discussion, I even forgot to take a picture also. May be I'll remember that on the next time. I sure hope to see a lot of people then.

This was definitely not an official meetup and was mostly arranged offline. Organizer was Singhalawap. He mailed and called us all and tried his best to get us to meet face-to-face. There were some suggestions from him that sounded pretty good. I hope we can have another meeting of this sort so we can properly discuss these things.

Following my usual tradition I'll end the post with my usual reference to statistics. As of today (2011-02-28), the current article count is: 4339. (It seems to be going down these days!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lee,

That's Gr8. I'll also try for the next one.

බිඟූ said...


I have starteda a clenup process. That is why the article count going down. We can up it when that is finished.

Lee said...

ela ela.