Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Main Page

Now we have a decent number of contributors and articles it's time to think about the real look and feel of the wiki :-)

Notice the smile at the end of previous sentence.

I think the current main page of the Sinhala Wikipedia is not something we can call exactly a perfect one. I feel it's not balanced properly.

(Just like the web pages I used to make when I was learning HTML)
Shhhhhhh... I didn't say the previous sentence ;-)

So all the interface gurus out there, how about helping us in cleaning things up?

A few things I'd like to see in our main page.
  • A simple page.
  • It should load fast.
  • It should be FULL

A simple page.

It's an intro page. It's nice if the page is simple rather than having a page choked with information.

It should load fast

Today I find it slow on my home connection. When it is slow I feel like not going there. That limits the time I stay with the wiki.... and That's bad :-)

It should be FULL
Today there are a lot of blank spaces in the main page (as I see it). I'm sure we can improve those.

Let's hope my dream will come true in near future ;-)

Statistic Update:
The current article count as on 25th May, 2010 is 3323.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

End of a War!

The year 2010 is mostly a war at Sinhala Wikipedia. A company has started putting article to the wiki (Paid Editing). It wasn't bad until they started showing disrespect towards the community.

Personally I'm not against anyone getting paid to improve the starving Sinhala wiki. As you all know we have a very few contributors at the moment. But I don't think I like it when they want to own the wiki articles and play funny games with Wikipedia policies.

However it is good that the company finally agreed to strongest of the demands by the community.

Few things I would like to note here.
  • First is, if you are interested in doing something good, you have to learn the basics about it.
  • If you are getting paid to do something and there are people who do the same thing for free, they deserve some respect.
  • When you are involved in a community driven work, try to be part of the community rather than fight against it.
There are a lot of request for me to protect articles just to make sure that non-logged in users won't destroy the article. I'm not 100% sure whether that's a good move. I know most of the people involved in the previous battle did their *bad* work without logging in. :-)

Let's see how things will turn out.

As on 2010-May-22, the current article count is 3309. That's not a bad value compared to what we used to have.