Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Main Page

Now we have a decent number of contributors and articles it's time to think about the real look and feel of the wiki :-)

Notice the smile at the end of previous sentence.

I think the current main page of the Sinhala Wikipedia is not something we can call exactly a perfect one. I feel it's not balanced properly.

(Just like the web pages I used to make when I was learning HTML)
Shhhhhhh... I didn't say the previous sentence ;-)

So all the interface gurus out there, how about helping us in cleaning things up?

A few things I'd like to see in our main page.
  • A simple page.
  • It should load fast.
  • It should be FULL

A simple page.

It's an intro page. It's nice if the page is simple rather than having a page choked with information.

It should load fast

Today I find it slow on my home connection. When it is slow I feel like not going there. That limits the time I stay with the wiki.... and That's bad :-)

It should be FULL
Today there are a lot of blank spaces in the main page (as I see it). I'm sure we can improve those.

Let's hope my dream will come true in near future ;-)

Statistic Update:
The current article count as on 25th May, 2010 is 3323.

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