Last month, බිඟුවා requested sysop rights on our Wikipedia project. Here is the link if you like to see the discussion.
I couldn’t believe the number of users voted this time. You may remember how little people participated in the vote for Kylu. This time there was a load of voters in the discussion.
Usually I would have thought it is still too early for him to ask for admin, but after seeing the way he work I also casted my vote for him. By the way I hope you didn’t get the feeling that all the votes were for him. There were a lot of votes against him. So in the end when the vote is posted to META, they did not believe he has support from majority and the request was turned down.
However all was not bad from the Sinhala Wikipedia side. This was the biggest discussion ever on Sinhala Wikipedia as far as I can remember. That means we have a community. And the most important is බිඟුවා still is working with us.
Unfortunately most of the people came to vote here were just there to oppose him. After the vote is over I’m yet to see a single edit from some of them. I hope they’ll someday use the force they unleash on බිඟුවා to help our wiki grow.